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Abstract art

  Abstract art is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. Wassily Kandinsky. Strictly speaking, the word abstract means to separate or withdraw something from something else. One name which comes to mind when we speak of the birth of abstract art is, inevitably, Wassily Kandinsky. In 1935, the Russian artist wrote to his gallerist in New York to make a claim that was no small thing: to have created the first abstract painting in the history of art, a work made in 1911. This vocabulary is made up of six basic elements: Line, Texture, Shape, Form, Color, and Value. Whether you do abstract art, non-objective, or even realistic, you'll find at least one, if not more, of these elements at work. Abstract art, also called nonobjective art or nonrepresentational art, painting, sculpture, or graphic art in which the portrayal of things from the visible world plays little

Disappearing arts of India...

 Disappearing arts of India...

“Losing heritage and forgetting history.”

India’s art heritage is as diverse as its people. India is known

for its rich cultural heritage from ancient times, yet amidst all these,

there are art forms that are dying.

Different art forms arise from different social and linguistic groups.

Each art form has its own cultural significance and history and techniques

of creation. But gradually, these crafts are dying out with increased

modernization and industrialization. People now-a-days are not using

hand-made clothes, materials,etc.

In this fast technology run world, people have started to shift their

attention from the traditional handicrafts and handloom to new innovations.

With fewer customers, many craftsmen and artisans are getting poorer day

by day and forced to take up alternative occupations.

Mercifully, there are some efforts afoot to restore the dying arts to

their original glory as preserving and protecting the skills and knowledge of

traditional crafts is a very important step in preserving the country’s rich

heritage. Yet, much more needs to be done to save the dying arts,

especially those that are now in a critical state. Here are some of the

disappearing arts of India.

Madhubani painting- the art form in a series

Warli painting: Of rice and earth

Rogan painting- the lone six survivors

Santhal painting- Magic in hues

Parsi embroidery- the embroidery that travelled the globe

Do you think we should preserve the arts?

By Mayuri Tambe


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