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Abstract art

  Abstract art is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. Wassily Kandinsky. Strictly speaking, the word abstract means to separate or withdraw something from something else. One name which comes to mind when we speak of the birth of abstract art is, inevitably, Wassily Kandinsky. In 1935, the Russian artist wrote to his gallerist in New York to make a claim that was no small thing: to have created the first abstract painting in the history of art, a work made in 1911. This vocabulary is made up of six basic elements: Line, Texture, Shape, Form, Color, and Value. Whether you do abstract art, non-objective, or even realistic, you'll find at least one, if not more, of these elements at work. Abstract art, also called nonobjective art or nonrepresentational art, painting, sculpture, or graphic art in which the portrayal of things from the visible world plays little


 Some types of literature art form is vanishing…

Few years ago, the types of literature art form drama was

most popular in several parts of countries. In the art form we were able to

see the live expression of people, their feeling, their hard-work, their

passion towards their career. But now-a-days only few theatres are open.

Nearly all drama theatres are closed today. As new entertainment system is

open for people. So people have forgotten our old drama, mythology ,etc.

Do you think we should do something for these?

Short stories in newspaper….

In my childhood, I used to read short stories (Chutkule in hindi). They

were very interesting and funny also. As year pass, the place of newspaper

is replaced by electronic gadgets like mobile, television ,etc. The videos

,jokes , games which we watch on these gadgets don’t give to much joy as

that single day newspaper was giving. That games of snake and ladder,

puzzles, collecting coupons gives to much of fun.

Due to busy schedule and hectic routines all these are gone

somewhere. Sometimes, I think if my childhood return? Then I will be

luckiest person in the world..

Do you all think that it should return? What’s your opinion?

By Mayuri Tambe


  1. Yes so true... due to electronic gadgets we've forgotten the fun we use to have while collecting puzzles and reading chutkule....


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